Lafayette High Net Worth Divorce Lawyer

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Lafayette High Net Worth Divorce Lawyer

Lafayette High Net Worth Divorce Attorney

Divorce involves the division of marital assets and debts and the awarding of spousal and child support. These determinations are frequently difficult, as both spouses have a lot of their finances at stake. This is exacerbated when one or both spouses have a high net worth. The financial complexities of these divorces can make the process longer and more stressful. It is important to find a Lafayette high-net-worth divorce lawyer who can protect your family’s financial future.

Eric S. Neumann, Attorney at Law: Navigating High Asset Divorces

No divorce is easy. They often leave everyone with financial concerns. If you are a high-earning spouse, you are concerned with protecting your wealth and ensuring your children are supported now and into the future. If you earn less than your spouse, you may have numerous concerns about maintaining your way of life and being able to support yourself. It is essential that you find an experienced and dedicated divorce attorney.

Eric S. Neumann, Attorney at Law, has nearly 30 years of experience in family law and divorce cases. He provides compassionate legal support and knows how financially, legally, and emotionally stressful divorce cases can be for you and your family. A divorce can potentially come with many other family law cases, each deciding a lot about your future. You need legal representation that is responsive and dedicated.

What Can Make a High Net Worth Divorce More Complex?

A high net worth divorce addresses the same aspects as other divorces, including division of marital property, determining child custody and support, and awarding spousal support. There are several parts of the divorce decree and the general divorce case that can be affected by spouses with a high net worth. This includes:

  • Property Division: The division of property requires the valuation of both party’s separate and marital assets and debts. This ensures that the split will be fair or of equal net value, depending on how spouses are getting their divorce. In a high-asset divorce, this process takes significantly longer and likely requires many financial professionals. In addition to the valuation taking time, splitting the assets can take time and can be contentious.
  • Prenuptial Agreements: High net worth couples are more likely to have created a prenuptial agreement determining the division of their assets and debts if they divorce. These agreements have the potential to resolve property division much more quickly. Unfortunately, if the agreement is unenforceable, the court will void the agreement and couples will have to start from the beginning.
  • Support Calculations: Both child support and spousal support can be affected when couples are getting a high net worth divorce. If one spouse has significantly more assets or a higher income than the other, they will likely be paying a substantial amount of alimony and/or child support.Even when couples both have a high net worth, there are often unique considerations.
  • Hidden Assets: Hiding assets may be more common in high-net-worth divorces. This can make division of property and support determinations much more unfair. It is also illegal. If you believe your spouse is hiding assets, your attorney can help you take the next steps.
  • Tax Considerations: Dividing and liquidating certain assets can have tax consequences, and these consequences are more significant when those assets are of a high value. It’s important to consider the effect of taxes on the division of assets and how they affect both parties.
  • Publicity: These divorces often have more media and public attention. This can make it additionally beneficial for couples to get their divorce done outside of court so they can limit the amount of information that is public and protect their interest and their children.

Finding the right legal counsel can help you better navigate these issues and make more informed choices about your family’s future.


How Much Does a High Asset Divorce Lawyer Cost in Louisiana?

A high asset divorce lawyer in Louisiana is likely to cost more than a typical divorce lawyer because there are numerous considerations in high-asset divorces that are not present in other separations. This includes complex financial valuations and significantly more assets to divide. An attorney’s fees are affected by the area in which they work, their experience and success in family law, the resources your case will need, and whether the divorce goes to trial.

What Is a High Asset Divorce?

In Lafayette, LA, a high asset divorce is a divorce where one or both spouses have high-value assets, complex assets, or high income. Either party may own a business, have substantial properties and other assets, high-value retirement accounts, and more.

Since both parties have a lot to potentially lose, this can increase contention. High asset divorces are also more likely to have prenuptial agreements, which can either make the process easier or harder depending on the enforceability of the agreement.

Does It Matter Who Files for Divorce First in Louisiana?

It may matter who files for divorce first in Louisiana because divorce can be filed on no-fault or fault-based grounds. Some fault-based grounds include adultery, felony conviction, or abuse. Filing for divorce enables you to file based on these grounds. If you are getting a no-fault divorce, there may be some benefits to being the petitioner, such as choosing the jurisdiction and having more time to prepare. The petitioner also typically presents their case to the court first.

What Is the Wife Entitled to in a Divorce in Louisiana?

Both spouses are entitled to the same things in a divorce in Louisiana, including an equal net value of marital or community assets, the right to request spousal support, and the right to request custody of children.

The court makes decisions for children based on their interests. If spouses do not want to split their shared assets by equal net value, they can negotiate an out-of-court settlement. Both spouses should protect their rights by working with experienced legal representation.

Navigating Complex Finances in Your Divorce and Protecting Your Future

Ensuring your financial stability and the well-being of your family is crucial during a tumultuous divorce. Whether your divorce is in court or out of court, you need qualified and diligent legal support. Contact Eric S. Neumann, Attorney at Law



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